2022 Mar. 10. 河合くん(B5)、今井さん(元研究生)のヘム蛍光プローブに関する研究論文がJ. Am. Chem. Soc.に採択され、表紙に選ばれました!おめでとう!本研究成果は本学の薬物治療学研究室との共同研究です。

Kawai and Imai’s research work on Heme-specific flurorescnet probe has just been accepted by JACS and featured as a Cover Picture. Congraturations! This work is nice collaboration with Prof. Hozumi and Prof. Inden.

Molecular Imaging of Labile Heme in Living Cells Using a Small Molecule Fluorescent Probe
Kanta Kawai, Tasuku Hirayama,* Haruka Imai, Takanori Murakami, Masatoshi Inden, Isao Hozumi, Hideko Nagasawa

 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 9, 3793–3803 [Selected as Supplementary Cover Picture]